Saturday, March 9, 2013

Total Defence Silver Badge Activity

Attention all Year 2s and Year 3s,

Activity/Competition: My Friend In Deed

Link (for details of activity):

Topic: Share an account of how someone stood with you in achieving a remarkable feat or overcoming a great challenge.

1) Essay must be at least 500 words long.
2) Submit the essay online together with a picture following the instructions from the given link above.
3) Please also print out the picture and essay together on paper to be submitted to Miss Jane Cao. More details about when to hand in will be given at a later date.
4) This competition ends on 22 March 2013 so please do it as soon as possible.

For those who do not have a Facebook account (required for submission), please try to find someone who will help you submit the entry through his or her account. If you are unable to find someone, please inform SGT Ng Ning from class 4F immediately.

This activity is for your Total Defence (Silver) badge so please take it seriously.

Thank you.

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