Saturday, March 9, 2013

Combined UG Camp matters

Dear all,

The Combined UG Camp will be held from 15 Mar (Friday) to 17 Mar (Sun). The consent forms has been given out on Friday during CCA. For those who did not receive the forms on that day, please look for SSG Ling Shiaw Jiunn at class 4B this coming Monday, 11 Mar, between 7am to 8am to collect your forms.

For those who are booking out early or booking in late, please prepare an excuse letter and the relavant supporting documents to be handed in this coming CCA session on Tuesday, 12 Mar.

For the benefit of the Year 1s, the list of valid reasons are listed as below:
1) Sick (provide a Medical Certificate)
2) Compulsory School Activities (provide an excuse letter signed by the relevant teacher)
3) Family Matters (approved on a case-by-case basis)

Do note that once the camp has started, the only reason accepted is "Sick". This camp is compulsory for all to attend unless you have any of the above valid reasons.

The consent forms are to be handed in on Tuesday, 12 Mar 2013.

Thank you.

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