
Rules and Regulations

1.    Punctual and present for all CCA sessions. For absence from CCA, your PC/PS  must be informed prior to the start of CCA session. The following document proof is also required;
If absent due to sickness, a photocopied Medical Certificate on an A4 sized paper, with your Name and Class written on it.
If absent or reporting late due to school activities or external examinations, a typewritten excuse letter and must be given
If absent due to overseas trip the holidays, a photocopy of the pages in the passport with your personal particulars, as well as the stamp given at the customs must be given with a typewritten excuse letter.

 Please adhere to the template for the excuse letter, which can be found in the following link: 
Any other reasons will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

2.    Greeting of seniors/officers must be loud.
It is to show respect to the seniors and is for the pride of the CCA. If the greeting is not loud enough, it only shows that you all are not sincere enough in greeting your seniors, but only greeting for the sake of greeting them.

Do not drag your greetings.

Only greet your officers or seniors when they are on the same storey/level as you are on. There is no need for you to greet officers or seniors on another storey.

Even if there is only one senior, one must still greet as he/ she is still a person. Do NOT greet only when all your squad mates arrive. If only one of your squad mates arrive, he/ she must still greet the seniors.

No rank discrimination by only wanting to greet seniors with high ranks. No matter what rank the senior holds, he/she is your senior, who is more experienced and knowledgeable than you, so they too deserve your respect.

Greeting of Officers
If officers are present during CCA session, greet the officers ONLY. 

If officers are present during falling in of first parade, greet the officers only, there is no need to greet your seniors.

In the case that there is the highest ranking officer, the parade/activities do not need to be halted if another junior ranking officer appears. However, greeting for the junior ranking officer should still be carried out in individual groups. Individual groups should stand at attention before greeting.

3.    Replying of seniors must be loud.

 It’s to show that you all have understood our instructions/ questions well. Weak/disunited replies will only let us think that our instructions were not clear enough to all of you. 

Even if the senior who is talking is nice, juniors must still reply loudly and not take advantage of his/her nice personality.

No matter how close you are to a senior, must show them respect and address them by their rank. Even if you want to call them by their name, their rank must still be added in front, (Rank) (name) E.g. SSG Esther

4.    Movement
Always RUN from place to place. This is to instil a sense of urgency and is extremely important as we are first aiders, who should always be efficient in saving people or when rushing to the scene of accident. Even when tired, always remember who we are, what role we play, and that we should always be ever-ready.

Even if seniors do not remind juniors to run, juniors should still run from place to place because we believe that juniors should all have the self-discipline to not be constantly reminded by seniors.

When going for water breaks, juniors are still expected to run. They are only allowed to walk when they reach at around the middle of the canteen or if the floor is very slippery.

Remember: one for all, all for one. We should wait for one another and not leave those slower runners behind; one for all, all for one

5.    Adjusting in the squad/parade
Always ask for permission to adjust attire/position, wipe sweat…etc. If not, do NOT do so at your own will! Talking, smiling or laughing is also strictly not allowed in squad/ parade since a parade is very formal and commands respect always.

6.    Cutting squads
This is not allowed. Cutting squads means that when 2 or more squads are formed up, one is not supposed to go in between any of them but to go around them instead. Also cutting squads also mean cutting between the squad and IC because the IC is also part of the squad. This rule applies for SJ itself and when going for courses. It is also to show respect for the activities they are carrying out. You all would not want the others to disrupt your activities either, right?

7.    NO cutting and bad mouthing of the other UGs
This is something that all UGs do to show respect for one another, which is also one of the ways to maintain a good relationship with the other UGs.

8.    Vulgarities/swearwords are NOT allowed.
St John is a Uniform Group. This is to show our discipline and to command respect from the others, giving people the impression that we are first aiders who are calm enough to not panic or swear in any situations, and that they can trust us to take care of the casualties. Ask yourself, would you trust your injured friend in the hands of someone who's so panicky that they swears/say vulgarities once they encounter a slight problem?

9.    Volunteer
The whole squad must volunteer at once when asked to. Volunteering when asked by seniors is not just for the sake of volunteering. It is to help your seniors because they need you and the manpower, to train you all to have initiatives not only in courses or CCA, but also in your everyday life.

10. Asking for permission
 Do so before entering the SJ room, parade and classroom. Ask permission from the person with the highest rank around. E.g. If NCO’s not present, and then asks permission from the next highest rank. Or if Officers (Sir or Madam) and NCO are both present, ask from the officers….etc. This is to show respect to lecturers in the room (if any), to not disrupt any activities carried out, and also not have anyone to barge into the room as and when they like.

11. NO eating or drinking sweet drinks during CCA, except when you feel dizzy or ill and have obtained the permission from seniors. This is for self discipline, and also because not everyone can afford sweet drinks and not everyone will get to drink in the end - all for one, one for all.

12. Behave properly
Stand with both legs; don’t stand on one leg. Also, holding of hands with one another is not allowed. This is not only to upkeep SJB’s image, but also to show that as first aiders, we are ready and always on standby for duties or cases.

13. Foot Drill, First Aid, Home Nursing & Transportation of Casualties (TOC)
 All must also be treated seriously. Rationales: 

Foot Drill (FD)--This not only to train one’s Foot Drill, but also to train one’s discipline.
-          During FD: No talking, No moving unnecessarily at all, Look up, stand up straight, be proud of your drills.
-          During Rehakandiri, no talking and moving of legs are allowed. (even if cadets squat down to bend their legs, the position of their legs should still remain)
-          Baris/ squad Diamà upon this command, all are expected to stand still in sedia position look up and stand up straight with shoulders pulled back.

First Aid--It is life threatening if we do not handle the casualties properly in real life.

Home Nursing-- It is life threatening as just by giving the wrong dosage or wrong medication is enough to cause the death of the patient. Another example is that, giving the patient a contaminated dressing would also cause the wound to fester and result in the body part having to be amputated.

TOC--It is also life threatening as the delay in transporting the casualties to a safe area may put them in more danger and may also delay proper treatment to their injuries, reducing their chances of survival. Also, poor handling of TOC would also cause more injuries to the casualties, especially if they are dropped to the ground.

14.  Reporting of strengths before lessons on classrooms/rooms
For any lessons or anything carried out in the classroom/some other rooms, squad IC is to report the strengths to the senior. If there are 2 or more squads present, the squad IC that is of the highest seniority will help the other squads to report the total strength in the room.

So, the Squad IC would be saying something like: Good afternoon (rank), Year (level) IC reporting, total strength is xxx, present strength is xxx, absent strength is xxx.

This is to
inform the lecturer of how many people he/she is teaching in total.

15.  First Aid Manual (FAM) and a water bottle are compulsory for all CCA session. A 500ml Ice Mountain Water Bottle is only required on PT sessions.

FAM: As a First Aider, one should always have a FAM by their side whenever the need to use it arises. This allows one to render help in FA whenever it is needed. But of course, it’ll be even better if the cadets already have the knowledge of the FAM in their heads. That way, cadets can help out the treatment immediately too, instead of having to refer to the FAM first.
Also, there would normally be FA lessons during CCA sessions, hence bringing the FAM is important for cadets to be able to take notes and follow what their seniors are teaching them.

Ice Mountain Water Bottle:
All cadets are expected to label their bottle cap with their initials using White ink/correction liquid and the first ring below the bottle label with their full name using Black marker.

16. NO use of water cooler
This is to prepare cadets for hardships, especially when the boys go for National Service.
If cadets are allowed to use the water cooler, it will be crowded with lots of people, especially if we are having a water parade. Even if there is only one person going to fill up water, he/ she should also not use the water cooler as his/ her squad mates are not using it either. Remember, One For All, All For One.

  1. Miscellaneous:
Public Duty :It is to save and provide help to casualties quickly, NOT to earn free CIP hours. Always be vigilant and ready to help during your duty.
First Aid: To save people
Values-in-Action Initiatives: For the service of mankind.

***A note for all:
  1. Refer to this frequently if one is not clear about the rules. With a copy of the rules, there’s no excuse of forgetting them. As there’s a possibility that there might be new rules created after some time, the rules stated here are not exhaustive, and cadets are expected to update this document themselves.
  2. Always keep in mind that as members of SJB, it should always be ONE FOR ALL, ALL FOR ONE. Always remember to help each other out by reminding one another (be it your own squad mates or your juniors/seniors) to do whatever that is necessary (to shout/reply loudly, to run from place to place…etc) & by encouraging one another on during difficult times. It would be ideal if all cadets can display discipline, even without seniors having to scold or punish them; self discipline. Hence, abide by the rules well and help one another to do so, then only will you all become more bonded and disciplined cadets!
*If there are any enquiries, clear your doubts with the seniors i.e. year 2s & 3s, try not to ask the year 4s directly.


1.      Purpose
Other than to portray discipline, the purpose of SJB members dressing properly is to appear professional as a First Aider. 

2.      The Various Attires

Head-- Beret, Long hair bun-ned and covered with hairnet/ Short hair covered with hairnet
Top-- White blouse, nametag, shoulder flash, ranks, CPBS Badges
Bottom-- Black skirt, belt, Boots and black socks

***Cadets who did not wear their Full Uniform on the specified CCA session shall have to wear their Full Uniform on the next Non-Full Uniform session.

Everything is the same as full uniform, except the following items that are changed:
-Beret not needed
- “Top” is changed to SJ Tee with nametag only.

Quarter Uniform should only be worn if you do not have any part of Half Uniform or Full Uniform.
It should be worn just like the Half Uniform, but without nametag and boots. It should only be worn with the St. John Tee. No other school-based tee is allowed. In the case where you forgot to bring the St. John Tee, report to CCA in PT Kit.

PT KIT: Long Hair Bun-ned + PE shirt + PE shorts with RV socks and school shoes.

3.      Fingernails and Hands
Fingernails must be clean and trimmed short as short as possible. There should also not be any dirt or drawings on the hands. 

Rationale: As a First Aider, it is essential to keep a good personal hygiene. Clean hands would lower the risk of infecting the casualty’s wound when you’re treating it. Having clean hands is still necessary even with gloves on.

4.      Beret
Beret must be seasoned and dust-free (should not have white particles and dust). The beret is considered seasoned when line at the side of the beret becomes distinct and beret should also be easier to fold after being seasoned. To season, fold the beret and place it under heavy objects (e.g. mattress, books..etc) for a long time.

Crest on the beret should be positioned above the left eye. 
The crest must be able to stand up and there should be a “shelter” (The beret is able to cover the top part of the crest).
The “tail”/ribbon of the beret must be tucked in/ the tail should not be dangling out.

Beret cannot be removed unless under shelter.

5.      Hair

For FULL UNIFORM and HALF UNIFORM, Nursing must bun their hair neatly and use the correct type of bun nets and hairnets. If their hair touches the collar, they would have to bun it up or cut it short. When wearing beret, the beret should not cover the bun/the bun should be below the beret. Hence, take note that buns should not be tied too high; it should preferably be at around the ear level. For tying of bun, ALL the hair must be tucked into the bun.

For PT KIT, fringe should still be pinned up neatly.
 Only BLACK rubber bands and black hair pins are allowed. Also, only the THIN type of hairnet is allowed and all the hair is to be tucked under it neatly. Hair should be bunned up with a bun net.

For Ambulance, fringe should not touch/go over the eyebrows, hair should not touch the collar and sideburns should be kept short.

6.      Shirt   

PE SHIRT Must be tucked in during PT session. For nursing cadets, neckline of PE shirt should also be pinned together with a safety pin with the purpose of protecting one’s modesty, especially when doing pumping. (only applies for the PE Shirt without the zip)

HALF UNIFORM/ QUARTER UNIFORM and any attire that includes St. John tee (i.e. SJ Tee & jeans, SJ tee & P.E. shorts...etc), the St John tee must be tucked in properly and the belt must not be covered by the shirt as the belt has the crest on it. This applies for the top of the full uniform too. When wearing half uniform/quarter uniform, everyone is to button 2 of the buttons.

 Collar of Full uniform must stand. Below are some of the ways to do it: 
-Button up the very first pair of buttons right after ironing the collar OR 
-Place pegs on the collars for at least one night OR
-Collars can be starched OR
-Place small tapes underneath, but tape must be WELL HIDDEN.  If tape is seen, then it will be deemed as a mistake during attire check.

Sleeve line of shirt (Full uniform) must be obvious. Style of ironing should also be standardized. à Some people have a line ironed at the back of their full u (not recommended).
Shoulder flash must be aligned to sleeve line and should be 3 fingers below the top of the sleeve. 
The epaulette (black colour thing that is used to place one’s rank) must be above/on top of the collar.
*St John tee is also needed to be brought on full uniform days as after the full uniform session, there might be activities planned that are not suitable to be carried out in full uniform.

7.      Badges (for full uniform only)
The proficiency badges are to be worn in rows of up to four badges in each row. There is no gap between the badges. The first row of badges is to be worn one finger breadth below the shoulder flash on the LEFT sleeve.
The badges are to be worn from left to right when facing the left sleeve, with no gap between badges. The badges are to be arranged according to its groups, starting from Group 1 to 4. (Groupings can be found in the link given).

Chief Commissioner’s Badge / Commissioner’s Badge
The Chief Commissioner's badge is to be worn in addition to the individual proficiency badges. The Commissioner's Badge must NOT be worn together with the Chief Commissioner's Badge.
The Chief Commissioner’s Badge / Commissioner’s Badge is to be worn on the left pocket / left chest of the uniform. The position of the badge is to be aligned with the first button of the uniform.
For Ambulance, the badge should be pinned at the centre of the length of the left pocket. For Nursing, the badge should be pinned at the centre left chest.

Wearing of Unicorn Badge and National Activity Badge
The Unicorn Badge and/or National Activity Badge is worn on the left sleeve. The badge(s) will be worn on the 1st row, one finger below the shoulder flash.
The proficiency badges will be worn from the 2 row. Should the cadet achieves more than 8 badges, a brassard (an armband) will be worn on the sleeve, and badges will be pinned on the brassard. More details about this will be confirmed in the future.

8.      Name tag
For Nursing, the nametag should be aligned with the second button of the shirt when wearing Full Uniform.
For Ambulance, the base of the name tag must touch the top of the pocket on the right and name tag must be aligned at the center of the pocket when wearing Full Uniform.

For both Ambulance and Nursing, nametags should be straight and aligned properly. Nametag is placed between second and third button for half uniform and quarter uniform.

9.      Belt
For Nursing, it must be aligned center with the buttons on the shirt. The 2 spacing from the belt buckle to the black loops at both sides must be equal. 
For Ambulance, the belt buckle must be aligned to the middle of your pants. 
For both Ambulance and Nursing, the silver tip of the belt must also be aligned along the black loop. Also, the loop must not cover the tip; neither should the tip exceed the loop by a lot.

10. Bottom
If the Nursing want to alter their culottes, it must at least touch their knees after altering.  
For Ambulance, the middle of the pants should be aligned to the middle of your shirt, which is the line of buttons. The Ambulances’ pants should be able to cover their socks and a bit of their boots.

11. Socks

For black socks, it should be about 3 fingers above the ankles. Socks should also NOT be creased. This applies to both Ambulance and Nursing, so as to ensure that the Ambulance also know how to fold their socks on sessions that needs them to wear PE attire with boots and black socks. Surprise checks may be conducted on the ambulances’ socks from time to time and person to person.

For RV white socks, it should be pulled up all the way until the RV logo is visible.

12. Boots
Boots must be well-polished at all sides (should be able to see the reflection of your own teeth and sides of the boots must also be polished). The whole boots must be black. Hence, corridors of the boots must also be cleaned and mud or other particles should not be able to be seen.

For boots to be shiny, the foundation must first be done properly, followed by regular polishing of the boots. One can try out the different methods below to create the foundation:

  1. Apply a thick layer of shoe polish Kiwi on the boots and put it under the sun to melt. Then polish as per usual after that.
  2.   -          Scrape some kiwi with a metal spoon and put the spoon over a candle to melt the kiwi.
-          Pour the melted kiwi over the surface of the boots. Once it becomes a bit dull, use a wet cloth to polish it to spread out the kiwi more evenly.
-        After that, put the surface of the boots NEAR the candle to melt the kiwi again. Likewise, once it becomes dull again, use ONLY a wet cloth (do not add anymore kiwi yet) to polish it until it becomes a bit shiny. Once it’s a bit shiny, then one can add a tiny amount of kiwi with a wet cloth to polish the boots as per normal.

  1. Apply a thick layer of kiwi on the boots. Use a hairdryer to blow the kiwi until it melts (kiwi will look liquid & shiny when it melts; and dull & solid when it cools). Once it cools, use ONLY a wet cloth (do not add anymore kiwi yet) to polish it until it becomes a bit shiny. Once it’s a bit shiny, then one can add a tiny amount of kiwi with a wet cloth to polish the boots as per normal.
**Note: For Method 2 & 3, do one side of the boots at a time.

13. Changing of uniform
When changing into any SJ uniform, one must make sure that they’ve worn the complete attire before leaving the toilet (except for hairnet). E.g. one should not leave the toilet without wearing their nametags for Full uniform.
When changing out of uniform, one must not take out any part of the full u (Except hair net) until one reached the toilet. Only leave the toilet when one is fully changed into either the SJ attire or school attire. E.g. Do NOT come out with full uniform without belt. 

14. St John crest
If any part of the uniform that has the St John crest on it drops onto the ground, one will be punished. (Reason being that the crest represents SJ and we must respect SJ)

15. Loose strings/threads
For any attire, ensure that all loose strings/threads are cut away so as to appear neat and professional.
If one were to forget one or some parts of the uniform, he/she should wear everything else except that item. However, full u is an exception. If any part of the full uniform is missing, wear half u. Cadet would then have to wear the proper full uniform on the next non-full uniform session.

16. Accessories

: No watches to be worn at all times for standardisation with everyone in your squad. However, since the Squad ICs are to keep track of the time (like to remind squad that the time given for water break is almost up or something), they are allowed to keep the watch in their pockets.

Other accessories
: Such as necklace and bracelets are not allowed.

Ear Sticks
: Only a pair of colourless ear stick is allowed; Ear studs are not allowed, unless it is newly pierced. If so, inform the person checking your uniform and be sure to replace it with ear sticks after some time.

: Cadets wearing spectacles are encouraged to buy spectacle hooks to ensure that spectacles would not droop down so easily. (Spectacle hooks can be easily bought from opticians and are quite cheaply priced.)


“Shelter” for the crest
All hair Tucked into the bun
Black rubber band with PLAIN design, black pin, bun net and THIN type of hair net to be used
*PLAIN design meaning those with beads or other extra things attached to it are NOT accepted. *Scrunchy is also NOT accepted.
 Photo of scrunchy 

  The epaulette must be on top of the collar.
Collar must stand.  
Sleeve line of shirt (Full uniform.) must be obvious.
Shoulder flash aligned to sleeve line and is 3 fingers below the top of 
the sleeve.
Name tag straight and aligned to 2nd button for full uniform
Wearing of Chief Commissioner’s Badge / Commissioner’s Badge

Wearing of Unicorn badge, National Activity badge and
other proficiency badges.
Badges 1 finger below shoulder flash and aligned to
shoulder sleeve line 


The 2 spacing from the belt buckle to the black loops at both 
sides should be equal.

   Belt should be aligned center with the buttons on the shirt


Boots must be Shiny    

         Fingernails must be clean and trimmed short.