Friday, June 28, 2013

The St. John Pledge

Dear all,

This is the SJAB pledge. Please read through.

The St. John Pledge
  1. To be loyal to Singapore and the President of the Republic
  2. To upkeep the honour and dignity of the Brigade and my Country
  3. To observe the Mottoes of the Order which are: "Pro Fide" - For the Faith.
    "Pro Utilitate Hominum" - For the service of Mankind.
  4. To be loyal to the Chief Commissioner and my Officers.
  5. To read the Brigade Regulations and to comply with them in all respects.
  6. To carry out all orders received from time to time from seniors.
  7. To carry out my duties with zeal and efficiency to the best of my ability.
  8. To be courteous and honest in all my words and actions.
Thank you.

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