Tuesday, February 28, 2012



1. In order to standardize all excuse letters submitted to the admin department, we have come up with a template for excuse letters (as shown below):

For future excuse letters that you submit, please follow this template. Remember that all excuse letters have to be typewritten, in A4 size and with your parents signature. If you are sick on a certain CCA session, please submit your excuse letter, with your medical certificate attached behind and submit it to the admin department. Any missing document or information in the excuse letter will not be accepted and failure to produce the complete necessary documents will be deemed as Absence without Leave (AWOL).

The following people were absent during CCA and have yet to produce the necessary documents:
Ho Su Yang 4M

Ma Yi Hui 1H
Linda Lin @ Win Lei New 1I
Angie Sim Jia Yi 1J
Chen Bei Qi 2A
Tricia Bek Kai Ting 2J
Ho Su Yang 4M

2. The following people who have yet to hand in your consent form for last Friday's CCA session:

Liu Hui Yi 1E
Woo Hoi Yan 1J
Amanda Lynn Sugiharto 3C
Chen Jiaxin 3D
Cheryl Tan Hui Ching 4A
Nigel Phua Jia Jie 4D
David Adhikari 4F
Goh Kay Vin 4G
Ho Su Yang 4M

2. [To Year 1]
The following people who have yet to fill in the contact list details/ or have incomplete details:

Tang Han Keng 1A
Zhang Qing Yang 1B
Jacelyn Loh Liang Nee 1C
Koh Yin Teng 1C
Lin Yikun 1C
Agnes Koh Xin Ni 1D
Chia Xue Yi 1D
Goh Cheng Wei, Benjamin 1D
Gand Natalie Alexandra 1E
Liu Huiyi 1E
Mak Zhi Ning 1E
Tan Xin Wei 1E
Zhao Yi Meng 1E
Gong Feifan 1H
Ma Yi Hui 1H
Tea Sara 1I
Tong Lin 1I
Woo Hoi Yan 1J
Germaine Loh Hwee Tze 1L
Goh Tong Tong 1L

4. [To Year 1]
The following people who have yet to hand in one passport sized photo:
Tang Han Keng 1A
Zhang Qing Yang 1B
Lin Yikun 1C
Goh Cheng Wei, Benjamin 1D
Nobel Ang 1D
Ma Yi Hui 1H
Chai Poh Zheng 1H
Kimberly Tan Kai Hui 1I
Linda Lin @ Win Lei New 1I
Angie Sim Jia Yi 1J

There are some who had handed in their passport photos but did not write their name behind the photo. These people are included in the above list.
Please remember to write your name and class behind the photo.

5. All the names that have been mentioned in this post, please produce the necessary documents and hand it in by Thursday. Come to Classroom 4E at Block F at the following timing:

  • Wednesday: 2.30pm - 3.30pm
  • Thursday: After morning assembly - 8.00am & 4.00pm - 4.30pm
Thank you.

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