Friday, May 13, 2011

All year ones are to take note that they have to bun their hair as well as put on hairnet when the attire is Half/Full Uniform.

Full U: Beret (with hair bun up + Hairnet), white blouse (includes your name tag, shoulder flash, rank & Badges. Rank & Badges is if you have it), belt with Culottes (Black Skirt), Black socks and Boots.

Half U: Everything same as Half U except: No need beret, just bun hair up + Hairnet, wear SJ Tee with name tag, instead of white blouse

PT Kit: PE Shirt and Shorts with School shoes and RV socks. No bunning of hair and putting of hairnet needed.

*NOTE: Go to "Uniform" Section for pictures of hairnet, bun net etc and more detailed information about uniform and rules and regulations. Ranks of seniors are also there. Seniors' ranks are thus NOT to be forgotten when greetings are carried out.

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