Friday, April 1, 2011

a long, long time ago...

RVSJAB headed to Nat Comp, and did pretty well :D

NC got overall 3rd Runner Up, and Best in First Aid/Home Nursing (memory fail, can't rmb which one..)

AA got 1st Runner Up! Best in First Aid Long Case, 1st Runner Up in TOC, 2nd Runner Up in Foot Drill..(some of you should know what we got for Short Case! :D ), and also Best in CPR!

NA obtained..alot of trophies! :D and of course, Overall 1st Runner Up too :D

saw our ranks?? we were just tiny little CPLs too, up against all the old and 'experienced' SGTs..but damnnn it doesn't matter; if you're good, you win! remember that :)

but all that is history, and doesn't quite matter. this year, RVSJAB will head to Nat Comp, and go further, do better :)

I have faith in all of you, and so do all your seniors, juniors and squadmates :D

Yours Sincerely,
Nugget Factory

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