Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy ROD Year4s!

Happy ROD Year4s! Not forgetting the Year3s too for organizing such a wonderful and fun ROD!

Now, we promised to upload photos of the current batch of Year4s  when they were younger. After digging through all the photos, here are the some of the best ones we have!

They showed this photo in one of the slides, but the first 2 are what happened before this end product!
Obvious who's that..  
(March UG Camp 2008) Weijie looks quite the same but he's so much taller
 The photos below are from BNCO Course/Camp 2007 meaning the current Year4s were still in Year1 then!





Flags! They still look nice.

Chiun Yuan, Kia Luck , Meilin

William, you're only in Year1!!

End of Basic NCO Course 2007. Year1s, this also give you a glimpse of your camp coming up soon!

SOME Advance Photos coming up! 2008 Advance Course when the current Year4s were in Year2.

Weijie! you outgrown YouSheng! Both of you were at the same height then.


This is weird....

Weirder.. YES, we've been keeping all these photos.

Hope you year4s enjoy this excerpt!

Once again, happy ROD Year4s, wish you guys all the best out there and always remember what you learnt in SJAB. It's not just about First Aid, Footdrill, Nursing / TOC and back to First Aid again. I'm sure you've learnt a great deal during these 4 years. If you need any help from us, just drop us an sms, email or give us a call! We'll be more than willing to help you out. See you guys around!

One Last Photo (Nat Comp 2010)

Your always nice and smiles officer,


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