Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Orientation Camp PD

Dear all,

Orientation Camp Public Duty
Attire: SJ tee with PE pants

Shift 1:
Friday, 7 Jan

Shift 2:
Friday, 7 Jan

Shift 3:
Friday, 7 Jan

Shift 4:
Saturday, 8 Jan

Shift 5:
Saturday, 8 Jan
--Ziying Tan

Note: Please report to the SJ room at least 15mins before your shift starts in the attire.

Do remind each other about the changes and remember to bring a plastic bag. Thank you.

Friday, December 17, 2010

NCO Course 2010

GOOD JOB EVERYONE!! All of us passed the 2010 NCO Course and RVSJ won lots of awards! ^^

RVSJAB Awards for Year 2010
Corps Performance - Overall Champion
Corps Achievement Award - Gold
Public Duty - Champion
Fund Raising - Champion
CPBS - First Runner Up

Also, congratulations to all award winners!! For those who missed out on their POP, here's a list of the award winners:

Basic NCO Course

Overall Best Cadet -- Hong Xin Yi

Bravo Best Cadet -- Xie Qian Qian

Charlie Best Cadet -- Cheryl Tan and Ng Xin Yi

Overall Best Knowledge (Basic) -- Ching Jia Wei

Advance NCO Course

Overall Best Cadet -- Phua Zi-Ying

Delta Best Cadet -- Tay Kai Yun

Delta Best Improvement -- Ho Su Yang

Echo Best Cadet -- Ng Zhu Chin

Foxtrot Best Cadet -- Tan Kyu Houng and Goh Kay Vin

Overall Best Knowledge (Advance) -- Vanessa Lim

It has been a long and tiring journey, but at last we have all completed it; hooray!

thunder, thunderation
we are the st john delegation
when we fight with determination
we create a sensation

Thursday, December 16, 2010

RVSJAB Collar Pin - Voting!

hey everyone!

the year 3s have proposed a rvsjab collar pin, which sounds like a great idea! below are the designs, and following that, please fill up a form to indicate your preference! (:

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Change in November Schedule and CCA Session

Dear all,

There are changes made to the November and December schedule, so please do check out the changes.(:

Please note that Comp Training on 23rd Nov has been replaced by a CCA session, and welfare event on the 24th Nov has been cancelled and replaced by Comp Training. For the year 1s, the community singing test will be on the 24th Nov and the attire is PT Kit. Please be familiarised with the songs in the song booklet.

Attire for the CCA session on the 23rd is Full U, and also, bring along your PT Kit and SJ tee.
Thank you.(:

Saturday, November 20, 2010

RVHS Open House

Dear all,

RVHS Open House Public Duty
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Full-U (including badges)

Please meet outside the st john room at 0730. (Need not be in the attire as we will be moving things)

Team 1:

Team 2:
--Esther Lee
--Sir Adam

Please also note that there will be no more public duties for this year. This includes the Singapore Scouts Association Camp PD, the Standard Chartered Marathon PD, and the Children Sports Camp PD. Thus, please ignore all information passed down regarding them. Thank you.


More pictures!

The big, big RVSJAB family (:

latest fashion - triangular bandage as a scarf ;)

we all along knew they were pigs...

i wonder who?

most incredible dinner of my life..linda and lihui shld remember!


for those wondering how weijie looked like in the past!

hello meilin :)

back when yousheng was a poor lil' boy suffering in nco course..


-sir kw.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

FAC Trainings

Hi all,

People with their names stated below are selected for FAC'11 and will have to come for trainings as stated in the CCA schedule.

Year 2s:
Cheryl Tan Hui Ching

Jerelyn Tan Jia Wei

Tay Kai Yun
Chua Ze Ping

Leong Soek Hui

Wong Shu Hui, Jacqueline

Xie Qianqian

Lim Jia Xuan

Goh Kay Vin

Lim Wei Ling Vanessa

Chua Song Ann
Ho Su Yang
Nigel Phua Jia Jie

Tan Zi Ying

Ng Zhu Chin

David Adhikari

Kenneth Goh Jun Teck

Year 1s:
Shen Xing Yun
Goh Kai Jiang, Tommy
Hong Xin Yi
Ling Shiaw Jiunn
Angela Koh An Qi
Ng Xin Yi
Ching Jia Wei
Amanda Lynn Sugiharto

Thank you.(:

Monday, November 8, 2010


Dear all,

LCD Camp Public Duty
Attire: St John Tee with PE shorts

The allocation of shifts are as follows:

Shift 1:
Thursday, 11 Nov

Shift 2:
Thursday, 11 Nov

Shift 3:
Friday, 12 Nov

Shift 4:
Friday, 12 Nov

Note: 1 member from each shift is to get the details from me during the cca chalet

Do remind one another about the changes. Thank you.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy ROD Year4s!

Happy ROD Year4s! Not forgetting the Year3s too for organizing such a wonderful and fun ROD!

Now, we promised to upload photos of the current batch of Year4s  when they were younger. After digging through all the photos, here are the some of the best ones we have!

They showed this photo in one of the slides, but the first 2 are what happened before this end product!
Obvious who's that..  
(March UG Camp 2008) Weijie looks quite the same but he's so much taller
 The photos below are from BNCO Course/Camp 2007 meaning the current Year4s were still in Year1 then!





Flags! They still look nice.

Chiun Yuan, Kia Luck , Meilin

William, you're only in Year1!!

End of Basic NCO Course 2007. Year1s, this also give you a glimpse of your camp coming up soon!

SOME Advance Photos coming up! 2008 Advance Course when the current Year4s were in Year2.

Weijie! you outgrown YouSheng! Both of you were at the same height then.


This is weird....

Weirder.. YES, we've been keeping all these photos.

Hope you year4s enjoy this excerpt!

Once again, happy ROD Year4s, wish you guys all the best out there and always remember what you learnt in SJAB. It's not just about First Aid, Footdrill, Nursing / TOC and back to First Aid again. I'm sure you've learnt a great deal during these 4 years. If you need any help from us, just drop us an sms, email or give us a call! We'll be more than willing to help you out. See you guys around!

One Last Photo (Nat Comp 2010)

Your always nice and smiles officer,
