Monday, November 16, 2015

18 November 2015, Wednesday

Time: 0830-1100

Duty NCO: SGT Wong Kai Wei

Attire: PT Kit

- Community Singing

- For those who have not submitted your excuse letters/MCs, please remember to bring them. Late submissions without prior notice/approval will not be tolerated.

Thank You.

Friday, November 13, 2015

16 November 2015, Monday

Time: 0830-1200

Duty NCO: SGT Lim Jia En

Attire: PT Kit

- Community Singing
- PT sessions

- There will be no first and last parade but please fall in at the design court.
- For those who have not submitted your excuse letters/MCs, please remember to bring them. Late submissions without prior notice/approval will not be tolerated.

Thank You.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

6 November 2015, Friday

Time: 1600-2100

Attire: PT Kit. Nursing cadets are not required to bun their hair. Bring Full - uniform

- River Valley Corps 55th Anniversary Celebration

- Please fall in at the Hall in PT Kit at 1600
- For those involved in Foot Drill Display , fall in at Design Court at 1500 in PT Kit
- Time will be given for cadets to change into their Full U
- For those who have not submitted your MCs/excuse letters, please remember to bring them. Late submissions without prior notice or approval will not be tolerated.

Thank You.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

5 November 2015, Thursday

Time: 0830-1100

Duty NCO: CPL Teo Swee Theng

Attire: Orientation tee with blue skirt/white shorts. Nursing cadets are not required to bun their hair.

- Community Singing
- Footdrill
-Preparation for NCOC

- For those who have not handed in their MCs/excuse letters, please be reminded to bring them. Late submissions without prior notice/approval will not be tolerated.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

4 November 2015, Wednesday

Attire: PT Kit


1. Morning foot drill training from 0900-1130
- Only for the Year 2s who are involved in the 55th Anniversary Celebration foot drill display.
- After training, please have your lunch and come back for the Basic First Aid (BFA) course.

2. BFA course
- All Year 1s and Year 2s are required to go for the BFA course.
- The timings for the course for the Year 1s is 0750-1700. The timing for the course for Year 2s is 1250-1700.
- The reporting venue is outside seminar room 2

- Please bring along your writing materials and your CPR face shield.
- Year 1s are to have their breakfast before the course while the Year 2s are to have your lunch before coming for the course.
- The BFA course could possibly end earlier.
- For those who have not submitted your excuse letters/MCs, please remember to bring them. Late submissions without prior notice or approval will not be tolerated.

Monday, November 2, 2015

3 November 2015, Tuesday

Time: 0830-1200

Duty NCO: CPL Liberty Neo 

Attire: PT Kit

-Community Singing 

- For those who have not handed in their MCs/excuse letters, please be reminded to bring them. Late submissions without prior notice or approval will not be tolerated.

Thank you.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

2 November 2015, Monday

Time: 0830-1100

Duty NCO: SGT Megan Wong Jia Jing

Attire: PT Kit ( Nursing cadets are not required to bun their hair. )

- Community Singing

-There will be no first or last parade but please fall in at the design court to report your attendance.

Thank You.