Monday, December 29, 2014

30 December 2014, Tuesday

Time: 0830-1200 Hrs

Duty NCO: SGT Liu Hui Yi

Attire: Half U

- FA/FD lessons
- FA comp training

- For those who have yet to submit your excuse letters/MCs, please remember to bring it. Late submission without valid reasons/prior notice will not be tolerated.

Thank You.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

26 December 2014, Friday

Time: 0800-1300 Hrs

Duty NCO: LCP Natalie Gand

Attire: Full U

- Learning Symposium

- For those who have yet to submit your excuse letters/MCs, please remember to bring it. Late submission without valid reasons/prior notice will not be tolerated.

Thank You.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

23 December 2014, Tuesday

Time: 0800-1800 Hrs

Duty NCO: PTE Germaine Neo

Attire: Dark coloured tee with PE Shorts / Performance Attire

(Nursings need not tie bun for both attires)

- ROD 2014

- Please bring the following items (compulsory unless otherwise stated):

  • Poncho
  • 1.5 litre Ice Mountain Water Bottle
  • Sunblock (optional)
  • Consent form
  • Towel
  • Dark coloured tee & performance attire
  • Extra set of clothes and undergarments (to change after wet games)
- There will be no first parade. Squad ICs are to report attendance to NCO at 0800 hrs.
- Report at the canteen in your dark coloured attire.
- Do try not to bring unnecessary items as you will be carrying your bags to Sentosa.

Thank You.