Monday, January 31, 2011

tips on how to win Zone Comp

competition's coming up, and I'm sure some of you are feeling the pressure..

here's an awesome tip -

Love Thy Dummy.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

CNY Celebrations PD

Dear all,

Chinese New Year Celebrations Public Duty
Wednesday, 30 January
SJ tee with pe pants (Girls must wear skirt)

Team 1:

Team 2:

Team 3:

Team 4:

Note: Please report to SJ room immediately after morning assembly. You can bring your bag along with you.

Do remind one another and remember to bring a plastic bag.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

we were all young once....part II

for those of you who thought SJAB made you ain't seen nothing yet!

this picture is cute for so many reasons -

1) Fang Yu was once slim! though not so apparent in this photo..
2) Eric looks so young :)
3) what is Elton doing :O

Sunday, January 23, 2011

ever wondered why..

is Public Duty called Public Duty?

alright, half of you are there are probably wondering "huh? what stupid question is this? its like asking why is an apple called an apple -.-".

wellll, its not quite the same ;)


[doo-tee, dyoo-] Show IPA
–noun, plural -ties.
something that one is expected or required to do by moral or legal obligation.

Certainly, we have no legal obligations to perform Public Duties. No one is gonna charge us if we refuse to go for a duty, and we are definitely not going to jail for it.

But what about our moral obligations?

Public Duty is, well, a duty to the public. For a start, we rely heavily on the public's donations to keep the organization. Without their financial support, there will be no R.O.D events, no OCIPs, no camps, no equipments, etc etc.

More importantly, as a First Aider it is our duty to serve the public, to ensure that our skills are put to good use (if necessary). First Aid is not just a skill that affects us on a personal level (like riding a bicycle, for example). It is a skill that is for the greater good, for the Service of Mankind.

So the next time you are asked to go for a duty, give this a thought ;)

-sir kw

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

RV Anniversary PD

Dear all,

River Valley Anniversary Celebrations Public Duty
Saturday, 15 January 2011
SJ tee with pe pants

Shift 1 (1200-1600):

Team 1: Enyi, Qianqian, Xingyun
Team 2: Kyuhoung, Cheryl, Amandal
Team 3: Xueli, Jiaxuan, Hxinyi
Team 4: Yeeshin, Vanessa, Jiaxin
Team 5: Ziying, Jaclyn, Keying

Shift 2 (1600-2000):

Team 1: Chenfang, Zhuchin, David
Team 2: Estherz, Kenneth, Lyemun
Team 3: Peihua, Jerelyn, Tommy
Team 4: Timothy, Suyang, Angela
Team 5: Yihao, Zeping, Nxinyi

Note: Please report to the SJ room, at least 15mins before your shift starts, in the attire.

Do remind one another and remember to bring a plastic bag. Thank you.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bukit Batok Recruitment Drive PD

Dear all,

Bukit Batok Recruitment Drive Public Duty
Friday, 14 January 2011
1700-2100 h
Full-U (including badges)

--Kyu Houng
--Yi Hao

Note: The above mentioned members are allowed to be excused from CCA earlier that day to get to the PD Venue.

Thank you.(: